RNode Flasher
Developed by Liam Cottle
1. Select your device
Can't find your device? Open an issue on GitHub
2. Select firmware to flash (.zip)
Flashing: {{flashingProgress}}% Flashing: please wait...
Common error messages
• Hardware Failure: You need to provision the eeprom in step 3.
• Firmware Corrupt: You need to set the firmware hash in step 4.
3. Provision EEPROM (sets device info, checksum and blank signature)
Provisioning: please wait...
4. Set Firmware Hash (uses hash from board, will fix later)
Setting Firmware Hash: please wait...
5. Done
• If you made it this far, and all previous steps were successful, your RNode should be ready to use.
• To use RNode with MeshChat, you will need to add an RNodeInterface in the Interfaces → Add Interface page.
• To use RNode with Sideband, you will need to configure it in Hardware → RNode and enable Connectivity → Connect via RNode.
• You must restart MeshChat and Sideband for interface setting changes to take effect, otherwise nothing will happen!
Advanced Tools
EEPROM dumps are shown in dev tools console.
Configure Bluetooth (optional)
• Bluetooth is not supported on all devices.
• Some devices use Bluetooth Classic, and some use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
• Put the RNode into Bluetooth Pairing mode, then connect to it from Android Bluetooth settings.
• Once you have initiated a pair request from Android, a PIN should show on the RNode display.
• In Sideband you will need to enable Connect using Bluetooth in Hardware → RNode.
• If your device uses BLE you will also need to enable Device requires BLE in Hardware → RNode.
• Don't forget to restart Sideband for the setting changes to take effect, otherwise nothing will happen!
Configure TNC Mode (optional)
• TNC mode allows an RNode to be used as a KISS compatible TNC over the Serial Port.
• This mode makes it usable with amateur radio software that can talk to a KISS TNC over a serial port.
• You must leave TNC mode disabled when using RNode with apps like MeshChat or Sideband.
Frequency (Hz)
Tx Power (dBm)
Spreading Factor
Coding Rate
Configure Display (optional)
Setting display rotation requires firmware v1.80+